There are some parts of your profile which can’t be updated in your Member Portal, mainly because the changes are either structural or limited based on what type of membership you have with us. To make updates to any of the below, please contact our Support team on 02 9169 4052 or email

Search categories

The number of search categories you have from your profile page depends on the membership type you have with us, please let us know if you would like any added or removed from your profile.

Number of search categories for each membership type:
Lite membership: 1
Standard membership: 3 (+online equivalents)
Plus membership: 5 (+online equivalents)

Listing postcodes

While you can add as many addresses on your ‘Locations’ page of your profile, the number of different postcodes which we will target your listing in for localised searches on our directory depends on the membership type you have with us, please let us know if you would like any added or changes to your current postcodes.

Number of listing postcodes for each membership type:
Lite membership: 1 local search postcode
Standard membership: 2 local search postcodes (+online consultations)
Plus membership: 3 local search postcodes (+online consultations)

Add or remove pages from your listing

The number of pages you can have within your profile depends on the type of membership you have with us, and we also need to make sure the URL link for any new pages are set up the right way for our site. Please let us know if you would like to add or remove any pages.

Number of pages for each membership type:
Lite membership: 1 page for content
Standard membership: 4 pages for content
Plus membership: 6 pages for content