The ideal size of an image is 450px x 450px and not more than 2MB in file size. This is to optimise the page loading time, which is good for SEO and for the consumer experience.


  1. Make sure you are logged in to the Member Portal

  2. Click on Edit Sites from the navigation panel on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Galleries and a list of your Galleries will show.

  4. Click the Edit icon beside the Gallery Tile from the far right and the Gallery Editor will load

You will be able to Add more images, Sort images, Edit Gallery name and Gallery Type.

Adding a whole new Gallery from the Member Portal is not an option at this time, please send us an email to if you would like any additional Galleries added.

If you require our assistance, please feel free to send your content (and any relevant images) to and our graphics team will be happy to update your profile for you.