Since your Natural Therapy Pages profile is already being seen when someone does a search on the site (or on Google) for your modality in and around your local area or an online consultation. As such, these potential customers already know what modalities you offer. All they are thinking of then is ‘who do I pick?’

Your profile page should always answer your customers’ question: “Why should a potential customer engage your services over another practitioner”

Things to add, or to consider…

  1. Overview of you and your practice - The intent of this paragraph is to provide some personalised information about you and your practice that enables your target audience to resonate with you.

  2. What are your areas of specialisation? - Consumers looking for natural health solutions are either looking to obtain a particular health benefit or they are looking to alleviate a particular health condition/symptom. By specifying the health areas that you specialise in, consumers who visit your profile with those same conditions/symptoms or desired health benefits should automatically resonate with your practice.

  3. Who is your ideal customer? - If you specialise in dealing with male, female, children, elderly, pregnancy, athletes, middle-aged individuals etc…, include that on your profile. Where relevant, be as specific as possible.

  4. What are the biggest benefits you provide to your customers? - Describe the attribute, methodology, process etc.. that sets your practice apart from other practitioners that enable your clients to derive the most benefits from your services.

  5. Validation and case study - Include any client’s testimonials or case studies of health conditions that you have successfully treated (including timeframes where relevant)

  6. Special offers and call to action - Some examples of offers and call to action include: 10% discount for an initial consultation for a particular month, 5 sessions for the price of 4, mention Natural Therapy Pages at the time of booking for a 15% discount etc…

Once you have finalised your content, you can update your profile by logging into your account here. Alternatively, if you require our assistance, please feel free to send your content (and any relevant images) to and our graphics team will be happy to update your profile for you.